Benedicte Hallowell would like to thank the Danish contributors and editors Elisabeth Fabritius, Suzanne Ludvigsen, and Mette Thelle. Jane Abdy and Poul Vad were very helpful with her research.

Elisabeth Fabritius would like to thank Søren Agerskov, Inge Mejer Antonsen, Marie-Louise Berner, Ebbe Gotfredsen, Else Lofthus, Susanne Meyer-Abich, Claus Olsen, Hanne Poulsen, Margareta Ramsay, Birte Stokholm, Anette Sørensen and Poul Vad.

Suzanne Ludvigsen would like to thank Mette Bruun Beyer, Charlotte Christensen, Jette Christiansen, Ole Christoffersen, Erik Fischer, Sys Hindsbo, Hans Ludvigsen, Jens Peter Munk, Hanne Poulsen, Bente Scavenius, Marianne Saabye and Gitte Valentiner.

Mette Thelle would like to thank Torben Thim for referring her to the article in Illustreret Tidende about Princess Augusta.

The contributors and editors would also like to thank Danmarks Kunstbibliotek (Danish National Art Library) with the Archives of Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon, Det Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library), the library of the Statens Museum for Kunst (The National Museum for Art), and the public libraries Frederiksberg Kommunes Hovedbibliotek and Ringe Bibliotek.